Öijared Resort " Golf course " Öijared GK " Checkers
Welcome to the women's section. We welcome all women and are responsible for competitions and activities at Öijared. We work to ensure that as many ladies as possible participate and enjoy their time with us. Read about our activities and competitions.
Welcome to the ladies' spring meeting on April 14
Sunday, April 14, 15:30 in the Studio
Take the opportunity to meet the club's women's section together with a lot
of other ladies interested in golf. Time to socialize, make new contacts and have a good time!
- Information about the season's activities
- Pia Evertsson introduces us to Balance golf
- We continue in the restaurant for a light meal and get to know the shop's news (20% discount all evening)
- Lottery and price of the entrance ticket is the shop's responsibility
Registration in GIT (www.golf.se / My Golf), search Competition April 14.
Cost 180: - paid in connection with registration.
If you want help with registration, allergies or other questions, please contact Eva Frisk 0739-845942 or Caja Artonius 0706-230898
A warm welcome!
Become a member of the women's section
Email us at oijareddamer@gmail.com
Follow us on Facebook
You can find us ladies on facebook via Öijareds golf ladies. Feel free to join our group which is a meeting place to convey information about various events for active golfers etc.