Golf etiquette

Here are some quick tips to make your round of golf as enjoyable as possible.

Making an appointment

Booking an appointment is important both for us and for you as a player. Appointment booking is also valid for games on Multibanan.

Let through faster batches

To get the flow of the game, it is a matter of course to let through faster batches. It is preferable to make a so-called floating pass.

Laying down impact

Learn how to repair tee marks. To repair a tee mark in the best possible way, you bring the green from several directions around the mark and flatten it with the putter.

Laying turf

Help us contribute to a better course for you and your fellow players by cooking peat.


Thank you for contributing to a more pleasant Öijared by raking the bunker after your shot.

Keep clean

We have bins in several places where it is possible to throw away rubbish. If you find something that others have left behind, please help us to keep it clean.

Return bucket

We are happy if you return your basket to the correct place at the end of your time on the course.